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Tipperary Mary, The Great Jumper

Tipperary Mary, The Great Jumper, 1915-1951
Tipperary Mary, The Great Jumper, 1915-1951

Tipperary Mary was indeed a great jumper. In 1928, with a 13-year-old boy on her back, she jumped to victory at the National Capital Horse Show at Bradley Farms in Chevy Chase.  Young Don Bradley and his little brown mare competed in the “Touch-and-Out” event, involving a series of jumps up to four feet high.  According to the report in The Washington Post, Tipperary Mary was the only horse in a field of 39 who completed the course perfectly on her first try.

By 1934, Tipperary Mary belonged to Jean Barnsley of Olney, Maryland.  She was an avid equestrian who competed in a charity horse show that year in Montgomery County.  The pair took first place in the “handy hunter” class, which involves a course that attempts to replicate the turns and jumps of hunting.  Tipperary Mary continued to compete at 25 years of age.

Donald Bradley, who rode Tipperary Mary to local fame in 1928, married  her owner, Jean Barnsley, some time between 1935 and 1940.  Maybe it’s the romantic in me, but I like the idea of this remarkable horse bringing them together.  Tipperary Mary died in 1951 at the age of 36.  The Bradleys’ shared devotion to the spirited Tipperary Mary led them to bury her at Aspin Hill Memorial Park with this beautiful gravestone.


Jean-Don & Donna Bradley


Aspin Hill Memorial Park
N39° 04.745 W77° 04.662

Sources Consulted:

“Eleven Big Events Inaugurate Horse Show in New Home: Donald Bradley, Only 13 Wins Coveted ‘Touch-and-Out’ Jumping Award.” The Washington Post, May 18, 1928, pg. 2.

“Gov. Ritchie Sees ‘The Hour’ Win Charity Horse Show: Crowd Ignores Showers as County’s Best Mounts Run and Jump.” The Washington Post, Sep 30, 1934, pg. M6.

“Horse Show Crown Again Won by Recall,” by Anne Hagnet. The Washington Post, Sep 15, 1940, pg. 3.