It’s been an unusual summer for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that the pandemic, and the problems it causes is not over yet. However, I have three pieces of news related to the cemetery that may interest my readers.
1. Earlier this summer, I worked with Glenn Wallace, of the Coalition to Protect Maryland Burial Sites, to map Aspin Hill Memorial Park. It’s not a map of individual grave sites, but it shows where all the sections of the cemetery are. I was surprised to discover there are 35 different sections! The map we produced is for internal use of the cemetery owner, Montgomery County Humane Society. Copies are not available for the general public at this time. The good news is that it enables MCHS to locate pet graves without my assistance. I feel good that I have passed on some of my knowledge about the cemetery. Glenn and I turned in our work in mid-July, just in time for…
2. …me to break my foot! This meant that I was not able to check on Aspin Hill Memorial Park for nearly two months. I know there are others who check on the cemetery from time to time, and I’m grateful for that. Fortunately, I am almost finished healing. Being unable to drive for so long was frustrating for me, as well my husband who had to drive me around. But we made up for it by…

3. …adopting two cats! It’s been over two years since we lost our last pet, Dave, who was a fabulous tuxedo cat. We lost his brother, Gary, a few years earlier. In August, we adopted two young, bonded females from Montgomery County Humane Society. Wanda (a two-year-old gray tabby) and Lacey (a one-year-old gray cat with a small white spot on her chest) are named after characters from our favorite Canadian sitcom, Corner Gas. These two playful, affectionate cats are a joy to have around.

Finally, I recently learned that September 12 is National Pet Memorial Day. I don’t know who started it or how long it’s been going on. But for some of us, remembering our departed pets isn’t something for which we need prompting. In my own case, I’ve found that getting new pets brings to mind fond memories of all the pets I’ve had before.
Julianne, so sorry to hear about your broken paw. An glad you’re all better now. I saw that someone left a comment on your cicadas at the cemetery. Is there a group being formed (to your knowledge) that will be trying to clean up the cemetery??
There are no plans for a cleanup at this time. If there ever is one, people who subscribe to the newsletter will be among the first to know.
Are there any plans for a Friends of Aspin? A couple of years ago, I mentioned it to Cris, along with some ideas for fundraisers, but I think she took the latter as being a bit over the top. I would love to be involved in a friends group, though.
Not at this time. I’ll let people know if anything changes.
Sorry to hear about your foot, but hope you are healing up. I follow this since I found the cemetery – such a beautiful place. I would like to donate my help with clean-up and even repair some of the monuments.
I am a gravestone preservationist and am working with MHT to restore an African-American cemetery in Sandy Spring. This is my second year there and found the pet cemetery while leaving Home Depot. The monuments moved me to tears. I have three cats and two corgis right now.
I will be in Maryland again soon and would love to talk with you. I have been doing this for 20 years and my company is Historic Gravestone Services in New Salem, MA. You can email me directly to discuss at
Today September 11, 2024 and one day before National Pet Memorial Day. The Aspin Hill Pet Cemetery is in severe decline. I hope Montgomery County steps up to the land they accepted and promised to maintain.
To be clear, the land is owned by the Montgomery County Humane Society. They have plans to fix up the cemetery, but it will take time and money.
It may take time and money to fix to fix up the cemetery, but you must have the will to take on the task. This appears to be sorely lacking…