Here are some vintage photographs related to Aspin Hill Pet Cemetery which I found recently at the Library of Congress and the Enoch Pratt Free Library.
The Evening Star newspaper printed two photographs reporting on the opening of the Washington Dog Show in 1924. One of the photos included Aspin Hill Flapper, a champion Boston Terrier bred at Aspin Hill Kennels. She was buried at Aspin Hill with a marker that was, at the time, the largest in the entire cemetery.
The following three images came from a collection of photographs taken by the Baltimore News-Post and American, on February 13, 1938. They were brought to my attention by members of the Maryland Department at the Enoch Pratt Free Library.

The man in the photograph is possibly A. Wilson Mattox, who owned the greyhound memorialized here, Robin Goodfellow. Mr. Mattox was the first human to be buried at the Aspin Hill Pet Cemetery.

In this photograph, an unknown man honors the memory of Napoleon the Weather Prophet of Baltimore, Md.

A live terrier visits the memorial of Pap, a Scottish terrier. I have yet to locate this monument.
oh wow, Pap has such a great grave! I hope you find it someday.